After establishing a wheelchair ramp manufacturing firm many years ago, some frequent mistakes made by customers had been observed. Returns may be prohibitively expensive due to the size and weight of this type of merchandise. As a result, the following thoughts have been provided by rampe pmr to help buyers all across the world:
- Purchasing an excessively long ramp
In general, when choosing ramp length, follow the 6:1 rule: for every 1″ vertical rise, you’ll require 6″ of ramp length. Over 95% of consumers – power chairs, manual chairs, scooters, and walkers – would benefit from this ratio. Frequently go with a slightly longer ramp to get a better gradient.” It is only accurate for shorter ramps. For example, going from a 3′ to a 4′ ramp is a 30 percent increase, making a big difference. The slope does not reduce as much for longer length ramps unless the ramp length is significantly increased. Longer ramps may cause a few unanticipated issues:
- You may end up spending more for a small gain
- Transport difficulty, especially when transport your ramp
- You may get inadequate space in the parking lot
- The ramp will not clear the steps.
Most houses have a similar front entrance: a few steps up onto a porch, then up the threshold into the door. The customer calculates the rise of the porch and the entry and uses the total height to select a ramp, only to discover that the ramp hits the porch and does not touch the threshold. There are numerous online calculators available to assist with the clearance problem.
If a home has a long porch or a low threshold, the ramp would have to be highly lengthy – far too long to be feasible. The best method is to use two ramps: one to get from ground level to porch and another to get from porch to threshold.
- Minivans’ door width
When a minivan has doors on both the driver and passenger sides, utilize the passenger side door because it is broader. The vast majority of vans built in the United States can easily handle 30″ wide wheelchair ramps.
Foreign vans (Toyotas, Hondas, Nissans, Mazdas, and Kias) have broad top doors and tiny bottom doors. The Honda Odessy, for example, has a 30″ broad door opening at the top but only 26″ wide at the base. Going from the back door is a good choice for vans with insufficient door openings. Because of the steeper heights, using the back entrance necessitates a longer ramp.
- Purchasing a ramp that you do not require
There isn’t much space for error on small rises. Purchasing a prefabricated ramp does not ensure a good fit. Plywood is the most excellent solution to bridge modest increases of fewer than 4 inches. Splitting a 2×4 diagonally, for example, creates two ramps. You may also use 2x4s, 2x6s, and other similar lumber from the hardware store for a few dollars. Finally, there are many other mistakes not mentioned in this article, so before you buy any rampe pmr, carefully read its customer reviews.