You will have to break the bank to make this investment. But learning the piano is also costly in terms of time. A true 360° panorama of all that investment represents.
Acquiring a musical instrument is often expensive.
Buying a piano from piano dealerships near me for example represents significant material and immaterial investments.
Fortunately, if you do not want to pay a large sum, or if you are not yet sure you want to play the piano over time, there are little tricks and alternatives so as not to invest directly in a grand piano or a grand piano.
The Different Types Of Piano
We first differentiate between acoustic pianos, upright or grand, the most classical, and electronic pianos. Each has its sounds and technical capabilities.
Here Are The 3 Most Common Types Of Piano:
The Electronic Piano, Also Called Digital: is the most economical. It is ideal for beginners and familiarizing themselves with the piano’s keys; it is much lighter and easily transportable. They come in all qualities and all prices, with or without headphones, so as not to disturb the neighbors!
The upright piano like piano yamaha clavinova for example is the most widespread of the acoustic pianos, with a beautiful sound and an undeniable cachet if you have room to let it flourish…
The Grand Piano: the most beautiful, the piano of professionals and confirmed. It is undoubtedly the one that offers the best sound and sensations to the pianist. But beware, its price is high (see below), and it needs a large dedicated room, at the risk of stifling its sound capabilities.
Indeed, in the first place, the electronic piano stands out as a major ally and appeals to people on a tighter budget.
Not to mention that you need the space that goes with it; the grand piano will therefore be more intended for the most experienced, even professional. But also and above all: to those who have room at home!
If you are new to playing the piano but are considering getting into it seriously, opt for the mid-range electronic piano. It’s the safest alternative and the least risky value for money to still improve from the start without feeling too limited by the hardware.
Remember that if you choose an acoustic piano, you must have it tuned. Yes, digital ranges can be worked on! We often read that it should be done twice a year. But the rhythm of the seasons (alternation of hot and cold, dry and wet) and the frequency of use alter the tuning of a stringed
instrument. It is better to have your piano tuned every three or four months. All this can also (and obviously) depend on your use.
Tuning costs… You will also put your hand in your pocket to pay the luthiers! Count around 100 € to have your piano tuned. It’s been said that two to four times a year (again, depending on your practice) is a good average for acoustic pianos.
Having a piano at home is a real personal investment: you have to give your time to progress. But after all, any practice, whether sporting, artistic or culinary, requires having to put in the time to adapt and progress. There is no reason for this to change for the piano.
Spending a quarter of an hour daily in front of the keyboard is a great minimum. The top of the top will be to devote half an hour or even an hour to it. It all depends on your schedule and personal life. But when you are passionate, you don’t count!